Mike G. schrieb:
>>I ´ve got some problems with cygwin. Let me explain:
>>I run the ipc-daemon and type the command:
>>$ initdb -D /var/psql .
>>The message showed is the following:
>>The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "caroline".
>>This user must also own the server process.
>>The database cluster will be initialized with locale C.
>>fixing permissions on existing directory /var/psql... ok
>>creating directory /var/psql/base.. ok
>>creating directory /var/psql/global.. ok
>>creating directory /var/psql/pg_xlog.. ok
>>creating directory /var/psql/pg_clog.. ok
>>selecting defaulr max_connections... Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
these signals (aborts) are okay: it tries to find the max_connections
settings the hard way, until it works. it found 10 is okay for you.
>>slecting default shared_buffers... Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
>>Signal 12
same as above, 50 buffers are found to be good for you.
>>creating configuration files... ok
>>creating template1 database in /var/psql/base/1... Signal 12
this is a real unexpected error. typically some file permission problem.
pid file, logfile, sock file
>>initdb failed
>>I wonder if you might explain me what could be my error while trying
>>to run this program.
>>Have a nice day
>>Caroline Perlin.
Reini Urban