Tom Lane wrote:
> Geoffrey <> writes:
>>Worik wrote:
>>>Assuming it is unix.... The command
>>>ps xau|grep post
>>You might want to change that to:
>>ps aux|grep postgres
>>As your suggestion will pick up extraneous data if one is running
>>postfix on the same box.
> Actually I'd recommend grepping for "postmaster". If your PG user is
> named "postgres" then the above command will find any program the PG
> user is running --- which might only be a shell, for instance. If your
> PG user is not named "postgres" then the above might find nothing at
> all, even though the postmaster is alive (since depending on the details
> of your local ps command, it might report all the server processes as
> "postmaster").
> There is even another gotcha, which is that the "grep postmaster"
> command could easily find itself in the ps output. So what really
> works is
> ps aux | grep postmaster | grep -v grep
> (or use "ps -ef" if using a SysV-ish ps).
Just to enforce the test is better looking for the entire executable path:
ps aux | grep /usr/bin/postmaster | grep -v grep
Gaetano Mendola