Thank you very much!!!
Indeed this was the problem...
If I 'd once see you in a pub, I'd buy you a drink!!
Oliver Elphick wrote:
On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 11:05, Joepie Platteau wrote:
I have a problem with my trigger... :
my tables :
CREATE TABLE public."T-Alumni" (
"Id_Persoon" int8 DEFAULT nextval('"T-Alumni_Id_Persoon_seq"'::text) NOT
CREATE FUNCTION public.f100() RETURNS trigger AS '
INSERT INTO "T-Alumni-backup" VALUES (NEW.Id_Persoon, NEW.SteunendLid,
I get this error :
Record "new" has no field "id_persoon" (#7)
You created it with the column names double quoted so they are really
mixed case. However, you are accessing it without the double quotes, so
that the name is folded to lower case. Therefore the names don't match.
Also I want to have the name of the person who deleted or changed the
record in my BackUp (undo) table...
CURRENT_USER will give you the user id; if that's what you mean.