Under mysql, we have "desc tablename" to get the detail information
about a table. My question is about to get column name, and column type
for a specific table under PostgreSQL through JDBC.
Assume we have a table named "test". Under PSQL, we can input "\d test"
to see the details about table "test" successufully. However, my main
purpose is trying to get column name, column name of a table through JDBC.
The following is the java code, by which I always get " ERROR: syntax
error at or near "\" ".
Some clues?
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,
"abc", "abc"); //username and pwd is "abc"
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
String query = "\\d test";
System.out.println("query: "+query);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);