Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] 8.0 beta1 and XP SP2 - Mailing list pgsql-php

From Justin Wyer
Subject Re: [pgsql-hackers-win32] 8.0 beta1 and XP SP2
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List pgsql-php
Oleg Letsinsky wrote:

>I'm wondering if anyone has tried running PgSQL on XP SP2?
>I have a problem with it - quite a big one. I have a perl DBI script
>which is a migration tool from old MySQL database format to a new PgSQL
>database. So here is a quick summary of the situation.
>MySQL (win32) - perl - PgSQL (Linux server) Runs fine, full speed, the
>script finishes its work in 20 minutes.
>Next, I move PgSQL to the windows side.
>MySQL (win32) - perl - PgSQL (win32, XP SP1) Runs fine, just a bit slower
>(like 25 minutes)
>In  both previous cases there were 100% CPU load, HD activity, etc. - two
>databases raping poor windows XP workstation.
>Next, after SP2 installation - that's here the fun comes. The process can
>take  hours  to  complete.  Actually,  I  never  had a patience to see it
>finished  -  last  time  I aborted the process after 2 hours and the damn
>thing  just finished about 50% of its job. I switched PgSQL back to Linux
>without  changing  anything else - no performance problems. I uninstalled
>SP2  and  checked  again - all is ok, all goes full speed, 25 minutes for
>task  completion. Reinstalled SP2 - and the problem came back. So  for me
>it's quite obvious that SP2 has screwed up PgSQL  in  some  way.  I've
>tried several web forums, IRC - so far nobody seems  to  get  into  the
>same situation since I'm likely to be the only PgSQL user stupid enough
>to try SP2 :)
What is the CPU load under SP2?

>Now some details on what script does. It's, like I said, a migration
>script - it takes data from one database, changes it slightly and puts it
>to another one, using simple inserts. Nothing special. Although
>pg_restore seems to work just fine even under SP2, no performance
If pg_restore works prehaps it is not a PostgreSQL problem....

>There's more. I've tried PowerGres database as well. It experiences the
>same performance hit, no difference at all.
>Some details on the system - WinXP Pro, P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB RAM, 200GB SATA
>Seagate drive. I've disabled that firewall thingy and data execution
>prevention - again, nothing has changed. I'm out of ideas...
Try mod your script to dump back to the mysql database. Check if you get
weird performance issues doing that.
I think assuming it is PostgreSQL at this point is jumping the gun.
Maybe active states perl doesn't run so well on SP2, or it could even be

>Thanks for any input


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Subject: Space requirements (with respect to foriegn languages)
From: Markus Bertheau
Subject: Re: Space requirements (with respect to foriegn languages)