> IMVHO, I think the following todo item should make it for 8.0:
> Allow database recovery where tablespaces can't be created
> When a pg_dump is restored, all tablespaces will attempt to be
> created in their original locations. If this fails, the user must
> be able to adjust the restore process.
> Indeed, if someone step to 8.0, make some use of tablespace, and connot
> move its databases because of this issue, I guess she will not going to be
> happy at all... I guess something like "--ignore-tablespace" at the
> restoration phase would be good. At the dump phase it would be a minimum.
How is that at all a problem? It's no different to the requirement to
have installed all your contrib .so's before running your restore,
what's so hard about making a few dirs? It's also no different to the
old database locations support. Personally, I think it's a non-issue.
It's also impossible to do as you suggest and have a --ignore-tablespace
flag. All it could do is at dump time to dump NO tablespace, which is
NOT what you want. At restore time it doesn't do anything since
pg_dumpall is a text format only.