Sorry to take so long to get back to you.
I was able to re-install postgres without any problems (I had to
eliminate the data directory by hand after the uninstall, or it would
not initialize the new database).
I am running WinXP, SP1. I checked the services before re-installing,
and postgres was removed properly.
En/na Aleksander Kmetec ha escrit:
> Johan Paul Glutting wrote:
>> When removing the service by hand using previous versions of
>> Postgres, the service was not removed from the Services panel until I
>> rebooted. This might be what is going on (WinXP here, though).
> Yes; rebooting seems to take care of it.
> Did you try reinstalling PG without rebooting?
> On my machine it fails - unless I specify a different service ID.
> It took me a couple of installs to figure out that just changing the
> sevice NAME doesn't work, in which case everything runs fine until
> right after cluster creation, when you get an error message saying
> that the service couldn't be installed, followed by rollback.
> The solution could be to try and detect any existing services with the
> same ID and refuse to go to the next step if one already exists.
> Regards,
> Aleksander