I am getting started with Postgres and cannot copy a database that was
converted to a .csv file into my postgres database titled TEST_DB.
TEST_DB=> \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | matters | table | floog
(1 row)
I have completed the copy command trying to move data from the .csv file
into TEST_DB like so:
COPY matters FROM /home/floog/TEST_DB.csv;
But I don't think the data transferred properly because when I try to
look at any column or row I get the following:
TEST_DB=> select * from matters;
client_1_lastname | client_1_firstname | client_1_address |
client_1_phone | client_2_lastname | client_2_firstname |
client_2_address |
client_2_phone | carrier_name | claim_rep | claim_num | responsible |
supervisory | second | client_num | matter_num | file_name |
adverse_1_lastname | adverse_1_firstname | adverse_2_lastname |
adverse_2_firstname | adverse_3_lastname | adverse_3_firstname |
other_party_lastname | other_party_firstname | case_type | billing_type
| date_of_loss | judicial_district | date_open | date_close
(0 rows)
I can open up and view the .csv file using an OpenOffice spreadsheet.
I'm thinking maybe I have to copy one column at a time from the .csv
file to the postgres database.
How do I copy something like column A, B, C, etc. from the .csv file to
TEST_DB client_1_lastname | client_1_firstname | client_1_address | etc.
Thank you for your time and patience.