Kris Jurka wrote:
> You should not use a SQL_ASCII database. The JDBC driver requires you
> database to use a proper encoding for your data. The ?charSet url
> parameter was designed to work around this problem for <= 7.2 servers
> which didn't come with multibyte encoding support compiled by default, but
> it is ignored in => 7.3 servers so it is useless here.
I wonder if it's worth supporting the charSet parameter even for >= 7.3:
set client_encoding explicitly to SQL_ASCII (which I believe means "no
translation") and do the translation to Unicode on the JVM side using
whatever charset the user provided. I think most of the encoding details
are now isolated from the rest of the protocol logic, so it wouldn't be
a very invasive change.
My only concern is that it'd encourage people to keep their DBs as
SQL_ASCII .. which is just delaying the problem.