I now have tried an equal length name, and it logs in fine:
't012345678901_web_user' with pword 'password' works fine.
The problem below is consistent. I can drop and recrate the user, and it always cannot be logged into using that name.
Ican successfully alter the user, so the system is finding it, I just can't authenticate into it.
Dennis Gearon wrote:
> Please CC me:
> If I create the user 'web_user'
> with password 'password'
> I can connect using 'psql' just fine.
> If I create the user 'D1Khb2g5m7FGk_web_user'
> with password 'password'
> I CANNOT connect using 'psql', I get authentication error.
> -----------------------------
> ANYONE have any ideas why?
> -----------------------------
> PG_VERSION says it's 7.3. I don't know how to find out any more
> accurately the subversion of that.