Dear Pradeep ,
>CREATE PROC PP_ReadPointByValue
>@SessionID int = NULL, --these r default parameters
SessionID INT := NULL;
>@SPSID int = 1,--default value
SPSID int := 1 ;
>@ParameterName nvarchar (50) = NULL, -- if NULL read all parameters
ParameterName varchar(50) := NULL ;
>@NumValue real = NULL,
>@StrValue nvarchar (255) = NULL,
same as ParameterName varchar(50) := NULL ;
>@ParameterID int = NULL
ParameterID int := NULL;
Kindly note :
1. This all is for plpgsql procedure
2. All the variable in upcase would be used as lower case i.e SessionID would be sessionid untll it is not as
3. If a value is not intiliazed it is defaulted to NULL.
Best Regards,
Vishal Kashyap
Director / Lead Software Developer,
Sai Hertz And Control Systems Pvt Ltd, [Comming Soon]
Yahoo IM: coeb_college[ a t ]