Tom Lane wrote:
>"Dave Page" <> writes:
>>Well, that's kinda the point. If you are a hacker who has local admin
>>privs (not exactly unusual on Windows networks - in some cases Power
>>User group membership is required to run legacy software), you *cannot*
>>run PostgreSQL except as a service, thus potentially making it a show
>>stopper for those users.
>So? I don't follow why "run it as a service" isn't a sufficient answer,
>and indeed the preferred way to do it.
We don't know what the usage pattern is going to be on Windows - I think
we need to keep it as flexible as possible consistent with good
security. Bear in mind that Windows is effectively a one-console system
- that's one reason why so many users just log on as Administrator -
switching to another user is much more of a pain than it is on Unix.