> Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges
> --------+---------+-------+------------------------------------------
> public | mytable | table | {miriam=a*r*w*d*R*x*t*/miriam,=r/miriam}
> Changing the default ACL would take this down to
> public | mytable | table | {miriam=arwdRxt/miriam,=r/miriam}
> which seems usefully more readable to me. Comments?
Guess this means I have to tweak my ACL parser in phpPgAdmin. If you
could do something to make that less of a NIGHTMARE, i'd be all ears :P
1. Make it easy to convert an array to a rowset
2. Fabien's accessor functions? Would they help?
3. At least the quoting has been fixed in 7.4 though
4. Maybe even a function that takes an aclitem and returns....something...