>>Does anyone know of an open source project that *has* successfully displaced
>>a market of mature, established products WITHOUT a commercial entity
>>providing marketing, support & direction?
> gcc?
Nope.... most big houses will use Intel/Borland/Vc++ or whatever comes
with Solaris.
In fact, I can not think of a single project that has displaced a
commercial one, without market force behind it.
Linux won't do it without RedHat/Novell. I would even dare say that
Novell will be that driving force, not RedHat.
Even Apache has an entity... It actually became much more popular once
that entity came to existence (even though it was a 501).
Another look at Linux shows that it's popularity amongst the washed
masses didn't really soar until Big Blue (IBM) starting pushing it.
PHP might be an interesting thought, but ASP is used more widely as is
Java for commercial stuff.
Joshua D. Drake
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings