INSERT INTO table2 (id, content) ( SELECT id, coalesce(title, '') || ' ' || coalesce(description, '') FROM table1
If you want to keep them syncrhonized, in other words, rerun the query
over and over again without having to truncate table2 first or deleting
all of the rows, you can:
INSERT INTO table2 (id, content) ( SELECT id, coalesce(title, '') || ' ' || coalesce(description, '') FROM table1
WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM table1);
With Oracle there is a slick way to do a partial outer join that allowed
you to do this without creating a complete list of in the last
subquery, but I dunno if Pg has an equivalent mechanism.
Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----> Hash: SHA1>> Hi, I'd like to fill one table with the
contentsof another table.
Mye schema> is like this:>> CREATE TABLE table1(> id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,> title varchar NOT NULL,> description
varchar>);>> CREATE TABLE table2(> id int NOT NULL REFERENCES(table1(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,> content varchar NOT NULL>
);>>Now - is there a way I can do something like:> INSERT INTO table2(id, content) values (select,
coalesce(t1.title, '')> || ' ' || coalesce(t1.description, '') as content from table1 t1);>> Any hints on how to insert
alot of values at the same time like this?>> - --> Andreas Joseph Krogh <>> Managing Director,
SeniorSoftware Developer> OfficeNet AS>> I always do a CVS update before making a patch (unless I forget).>> gpg
public_key:> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2
(GNU/Linux)>>iD8DBQFAT3H1UopImDh2gfQRAsa6AJ9jZjNz25w4iVnxNJYY9LJuG0HBLACfZfup> 1TMzQSi1+YYgNjpcampX6wo=> =fJA3>
-----ENDPGP SIGNATURE----->> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------> TIP 7: don't
forgetto increase your free space map settings