Regression tests on Nintendo Game Cube - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Hans-Jürgen Schönig
Subject Regression tests on Nintendo Game Cube
Whole thread Raw
Responses Re: Regression tests on Nintendo Game Cube
List pgsql-hackers

Today Michael Steil and I have tested PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on Nintendo Game 
All regression test (but stats - stats collector was off instead of on) 
have passed successfully.

[root@192 root]# uname -a
Linux 2.6.3 #20 Wed Mar 3 12:22:07 CET 2004 ppc unknown 
unknown GNU/Linux

[root@192 root]# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor       : 0
cpu             : 745/755
revision        : 50.20 (pvr 0008 3214)
bogomips        : 968.70
vendor          : IBM
machine         : Nintendo GameCube

It is damn hard to compile PostgreSQL on 24 mb ram + 16 mb swap (stolen 
from my sound buffer provided by Nintendo). gram.c and preproc.c have 
been compiled on an imac maschine - the rest has been compiled on 
Michael's Game Cube.

Compiling and regression testing takes around 3000000000 years (wow, 
this kind of stuff is damn slow - it is not a good database server *g*).

Game Cubes are now fully supported by us ;).
    Michael and Hans

============= starting postmaster                    ==============
running on port 65432 with pid 24018
============== creating database "regression"         ==============
============== dropping regression test user accounts ==============
============== installing PL/pgSQL                    ==============
============== running regression test queries        ==============
parallel group (13 tests):  char  int2 name boolean varchar text int8 
oid int4 float4 float8 bit numeric     boolean              ... ok     char                 ... ok     name
   ... ok     varchar              ... ok     text                 ... ok     int2                 ... ok     int4
          ... ok     int8                 ... ok     oid                  ... ok     float4               ... ok
float8              ... ok     bit                  ... ok     numeric              ... ok
test strings              ... ok
test numerology           ... ok
parallel group (20 tests):  point lseg box date circle time path reltime 
abstime type_sanity timestamptz interval tinterval timestamp timetz 
comments polygon inet opr_sanity oidjoins     point                ... ok     lseg                 ... ok     box
          ... ok     path                 ... ok     polygon              ... ok     circle               ... ok
date                ... ok     time                 ... ok     timetz               ... ok     timestamp            ...
ok    timestamptz          ... ok     interval             ... ok     abstime              ... ok     reltime
  ... ok     tinterval            ... ok     inet                 ... ok     comments             ... ok     oidjoins
         ... ok     type_sanity          ... ok     opr_sanity           ... ok
test geometry             ... ok
test horology             ... ok
test insert               ... ok
test create_function_1    ... ok
test create_type          ... ok
test create_table         ... ok
test create_function_2    ... ok
test copy                 ...  ok
parallel group (7 tests):   create_operator create_aggregate  vacuum 
inherit triggers constraints create_misc     constraints          ... ok     triggers             ... ok
create_misc         ... ok     create_aggregate     ... ok     create_operator      ... ok     inherit              ...
ok    vacuum               ... ok
parallel group (2 tests):   create_view create_index     create_index         ... ok     create_view          ... ok
test sanity_check         ...  ok
test errors               ... ok
test select               ... ok
parallel group (17 tests):   select_distinct select_into select_distinct_on

 select_having case update union random aggregates transactions 
select_implicit arrays subselect hash_index join portals btree_index     select_into          ... ok
select_distinct     ... ok     select_distinct_on   ... ok     select_implicit      ... ok     select_having        ...
ok    subselect            ... ok     union                ... ok     case                 ... ok     join
  ... ok     aggregates           ... ok     transactions         ... ok     random               ... ok     portals
         ... ok     arrays               ... ok     btree_index          ... ok     hash_index           ... ok
update              ... ok
test privileges           ... ok
test misc                 ... ok
parallel group (5 tests):  portals_p2 select_views cluster rules foreign_key     select_views         ... ok
portals_p2          ... ok     rules                ... ok     foreign_key          ... ok     cluster              ...
parallel group (14 tests):
 sequence limit polymorphism without_oid truncate copy2 prepare temp 
rangefuncs conversion domain stats plpgsql alter_table     limit                ... ok     plpgsql              ... ok
  copy2                ... ok     temp                 ... ok     domain               ... ok     rangefuncs
...ok     prepare              ... ok     without_oid          ... ok     conversion           ... ok     truncate
      ... ok     alter_table          ... ok     sequence             ... ok     polymorphism         ... ok     stats
             ... FAILED
============== shutting down postmaster               ==============

======================= 1 of 93 tests failed.

The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the
file `./regression.diffs'.  A copy of the test summary that you see
above is saved in the file `./regression.out'.

Cybertec Geschwinde u Schoenig
Schoengrabern 134, A-2020 Hollabrunn, Austria
Tel: +43/2952/30706 or +43/664/233 90 75,,

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