Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> Halley Pacheco de Oliveira wrote:
>> In my Athon 1.7 512 MB RAM computer with Debian it
>> takes 2m6s to generate de PostgreSQL 7.4.1 HTML
>> documentation using JADE and 4m7s using OPENJADE
>> (almost 2X). So why use OPENJADE ?
> I would have to double check, but I think OPENJADE offers better backend
> support.
> Personally I think the real question should be, Why *JADE*? We should be
> doing whatever it takes to move to XML/XSLT.
> Using Apache xerces I can transform a 1000 page document in less than a
> minute.
I have used xercess-C++ in my current project and I can tell you one thing. It's
object model is broken.
It is a fine API in general but the way it's object model is broken, makes me
hate it.. really..
Given a better choice I wouldn't use it. But I haven't used any other XML
toolkits either. My XML experience is pretty limited..