I'm developing a database application on windows 2000 with wxWindows
2.4.2 (www.wxwindows.org) using it's database classes.
First I've used PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on a Debian Sagre server, but i hab
problems handling errors form the database. The classes from wxWindows
always returned a nativ error code of 7 and the sqlState of S1000
(general error) (whether it was inserted a duplicated primary key, or a
not existing column was selected ... ).
This seems to be a problem of PostgreSQL <7.4 beacause it dosn't know
error Codes.
So I've installed 7.4.1 with Cygwin. But the application still returns a
error code of 7 and a sqlState of S1000.
I've already taken a look into the source of wxWindows and it dosn't
seems to be a problem ob wxWindows.
My question is:
Is my assumption right that it is a problem of psqlodbc which is not
able to handle these error codes (in version 07.03.0200)?
Alexander Keusch