Any modern version of PHP which has pg_ specific functions can do it
like this:
$string = pg_escape_bytea(file_get_contents($filename));
pg_query("INSERT INTO TABLE pictures (picture_bytea) VALUES
I prefer to use pg_escape() rather than code my own escape.
>>How to Load Image from File to Store in ByteA Field?
>This is the way I store images with PHP. The column bild has the
>datatype bytea.
>function esc_bytea($imagedata) {
> $finde = array(chr(92), chr(0), chr(39));
> $ersetze = array('\\\134', '\\\000', '\\\047');
> $esc = str_replace($finde[0], $ersetze[0], $imagedata);
> $esc = str_replace($finde[1], $ersetze[1], $esc);
> $esc = str_replace($finde[2], $ersetze[2], $esc);
> return $esc;
> $fp = fopen($imagefile,"r");
> $contents = fread($fp, filesize($imagefile));
> fclose($fp);
> $esc_daten = esc_bytea($contents);
> $sql = "INSERT INTO byteatest (bild, name, size, typ, htmlstr) ";
> $sql .= "values ('$esc_daten', '$name', $size, '$typ',
> $res = @pg_exec($sql) or die ("Fehler bei der
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend