From the same Database based on pgbench (TPC-B), I have noted that the Database size is twice lager in Postgres 7.3.3 & 7.4 than with Oracle 9i.
And don't know why.
Firstly, I thought that as one column name filler type char(88), char(84) or char(22) according the tables which were not initialized, was optimised by Oracle to mark them as NULL and save disk space.
But, I have modified the data generation to generate random string and force Oracle to put something in the columns. As results, the both Database was twice bigger but Postgres Database size ~= 2 x Oracle Database size.
And I have not found any explanation.
Thierry Missimilly
Seum-Lim Gan wrote:
Hi, I searched through the archive and could not find any conclusive
discussion of results on this.
Has anyone compared the disk space usage between PostgreSQL
and Oracle ?
I am interested in knowing for the same tuple (i.e same
dictionary), the disk usage between the two.
| Seum-Lim GAN email : slgan@lucent.com |
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