Is there an easy way to alter the owner of a sequence or does it have to be
created by the right user in the first place ?
foo=# create user a with nocreatedb nocreateuser;
foo=# create schema a authorization a;
foo=# create table a.a(id serial, name text);
foo=# set search_path='a';
foo=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
a | a | table | pgsql
a | a_id_seq | sequence | pgsql
(2 rows)
foo=# alter table a owner to a;
foo=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
a | a | table | a
a | a_id_seq | sequence | pgsql
(2 rows)
foo=# \c - a
foo=> insert into a(name) values ('blah');
ERROR: a_id_seq.nextval: you don't have permissions to set sequence a_id_seq