If you installed Postgres from source instead of getting a prebuilt
package, you probably have to, as root, go into your src/interfaces/perl5
dir and type "make install" This is because the perl include dirs are
usually only writable by root, so when you do a "make install" as the
postgres user, the Pg module can't be installed.
If you installed a package, I dunno. Try getting the source and doing a
"./configure --with-perl; cd interfaces/perl5; make install" as root.
At 04:45 AM 11/21/99, Jason wrote:
>I think I have DBI and DBD installed OK, and postgres seems to be
>working OK. But, I can not access DBI from a perl script. I get a
>DBI/Pg.pm not found, then asked if I have it installed. Is there some
>magical trick to this under Debian 2.1, or have I missed a package along
>the way.
> Jason
>......... Jason C. Leach
>...... University College of the Cariboo
>... jcl@mail.ocis.net
>.. http://www.ocis.net/~jcl
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