Thanks. I checked code and the idea seems fine. I hope it will fine the way
to regular JDBC driver soon. It similar to idea I sent few days ago - all
great minds thinks similar :)
BTW is there anonymous CVS account on PostgreSQL repository?
At 09:13 11.9.2000 , Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
>MOTOKI Sinichi, a subscriver of our PostgreSQL local mailing list, has
>made a patch for 7.0.2 JDBC driver. With the patch and MB enabled
>installation (configure --enable-multibyte=UNICODE), you could use
>UTF-8 acording to him. You will need to create db with -E UNICODE if
>you did just --enable-multibyte (witout =UNICODE), or you choose other
>Tatsuo Ishii
>> I was thinking of parameter's to the JVM on startup (like
>> -Djdbc.driver=org.postgresql.Driver )
>> As for connection properties, yes they are an ideal place, and back in the
>> 6.3 days we used to use them so the mechanism is in there. I think the
>> connection properties is the way to go, as it would then work everywhere.
>> Peter