I noticed that this patch set introduced this pg_dump test:
On 12.07.23 03:59, Andres Freund wrote:
> + 'CREATE DATABASE invalid...' => {
> + create_order => 1,
> + create_sql => q(CREATE DATABASE invalid; UPDATE pg_database SET datconnlimit = -2 WHERE datname =
> + regexp => qr/^CREATE DATABASE invalid/m,
> + not_like => {
> + pg_dumpall_dbprivs => 1,
> + },
> + },
But the key "not_like" isn't used for anything by that test suite.
Maybe "unlike" was meant? But even then it would be useless because the
"like" key is empty, so there is nothing that "unlike" can subtract
from. Was there something expected from the mention of
Perhaps it would be better to write out
like => {},
explicitly, with a comment, like some other tests are doing.