Hi everyone,
I'm trying to have Coldfusion MX connect to my PostgreSQL 7.2.1 database on
SuSE Linux 8.
I've downloaded PostgreSQL JDBC and copied the file "pgjdbc2.jar" to
"/opt/coldfusionmx/wwwroot/WEB-INF/classes". Then I followed the instruction
you can find in http://vandieten.net/jochem/coldfusion/postgresql/
After adding a datasource I obtain the following error message:
Connection verification failed for data source: pgtest
[]java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available for pgtest, please
check the driver setting in jrun-resources.xml, error: org.postgresql.Driver
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available
for pgtest, please check the driver setting in jrun-resources.xml, error:
I've used the following settings:
JDBC URL: jdbc:postgresql:radius (also tried
jdbc:postgresql:// and other stuff)
Driver class: org.postgresql.Driver
Driver name: PostgreSQL
Any idea about why this doesn't work?
Thanks & regards
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