On 4/30/06, Tony Lausin <tonylausin@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm working on a CMS which requires an open source database capable of
> handling hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously, with a high
> rate of database writes, and without buckling. We're talking somewhere
> between nerve.com/catch27.com and xanga.com/friendster.com
> PostgreSQL is a personal favorite of mine, and my gut instinct is that
> it's the best choice for a large scale CMS serving many users;
> however, I'm getting antsy. I keep getting suggestions that Postgres
> is really only suited to small and medium projects, and that I should
> be looking at MySQL for a large scale database drive site. I'm not
> really a fan of MySQL, but I'll consider it if it truly is the better
> choice in this case. I just don't understand how it would be. I'm
> thinking this is solely in reference to VACUUM. Even with autovacuum
> suport, I tend to agree there is at least one handicap.
> I could really use some enlightenment on just where PostgreSQL fits in
> a single-server, highly-trafficked web site serving mostly text,
> pictures and possibly streaming media.
are all good places to start.
TBH it depends a lot on your data and how you structure it. I wrote a
small tute on how to get rid of left-join type queries and use
triggers to keep count(*) type queries to a minimum..
It's not always possible, but there are ways to minimize count(*),
min(field), max(field) type queries where postgresql isn't able to
optimize fully due to mvcc issues.
Postgresql & php tutorials