I'm trying to automate import data using CORY FROM. For this purpose I
wrote plpgsql function. As my postgres works on windows vista I need
to use E'' syntax for path-to-file. This syntax works fine in SQL
queries like:
COPY table FROM E'path_to_file_with_double_backslashes';
Following query works fine too:
COPY table FROM $$path_to_file_with_single_backslashes$$;
However I can't figure it out how to use file_path variable as this
code throw error while compilation:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func (inout _chrom varchar) RETURNS varchar AS
DECLARE _chrom ALIAS FOR $1; _file TEXT;
BEGIN _file := $$c:\folder1\folder2\$$ || _chrom || '.txt'; RAISE NOTICE 'Filename is -> %', _file; COPY table (column)
WHEN bad_copy_file_format THEN_chrom := 'badformat';
WHEN io_error THEN_chrom := 'ioerr';
WHEN undefined_file THEN_chrom := 'unfile';RETURN;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ;
ERROR: syntax error in query at or near "$1" at character 35
QUERY: COPY table (column) FROM $1 CSV HEADER
CONTEXT: SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function "func" near line 7
Is there any tricks to solve this problem? I suspect that something
wrong with quotation but can not find out a mistake.
PS. Postgres server version is 8.3