On 11/19/24 00:40, 張宸瑋 wrote:
> Sorry for the inconvenience, but I used make and make install to build
> the credcheck--2.8.0.sql sources zip file. I would like to ask how I can
> update and apply the changes to the system, as I modified the files in
> credcheck/test/expected/06_reuse_interval.out and
> credcheck/test/sql/06_reuse_interval.sql. However, after running make
> and make install again, I don’t see any changes.
Pretty sure you need to do:
make clean
first, then the rest of the install process.
That process is shown here:
> Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com
> <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>>於 2024年11月18日 週一,下午11:15寫道:
> On 11/18/24 01:03, 張宸瑋 wrote:
> > Hello!
> > I would like to inquire about the installation of the credcheck
> > third-party package to support password complexity and expiration
> date,
> > etc., when setting up open-source PostgreSQL. I am using the
> > credcheck--2.8.0.sql version from GitHub. After completing the
> setup, I
> > encountered the following issue: when an account exceeds the
> configured
> > number of incorrect login attempts, it gets locked. The command
> > FROM pg_banned_role; should display the columns roleid,
> failure_count,
> > and banned_date, and the view is working properly and shows the
> > information. However, according to the example, the roleid does not
> > correctly display the corresponding oid for the account with failed
> > login attempts. I would like to ask if there is a solution for this
> > issue. Thank you!
> Have you looked a?:
> https://github.com/HexaCluster/credcheck/issues/39
> <https://github.com/HexaCluster/credcheck/issues/39>
> --
> Adrian Klaver
> adrian.klaver@aklaver.com <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>
Adrian Klaver