i'm using postgres jdbc (level 3 ver 8.2-505) into an eclipse
plugin (i'm developing the plugin to simplify db creation
/mantainment, inside some projects).
I've a big problem: the server (?!) receive the same
prepared statment as inside the plugin as outside( during
test, without eclipse), but works differently.
If i do it inside the same OID is set to the parameters, but
while inside ECLIPSE the server do not add <"> after and
before string parameters, while OUTSIDE is set the same
OID, and do it.
I've debugged the jdbc driver and the OID is 1043, sended
to the server:
(it's all called from Jdbc3PreparedStatement class)
class : QueryExecutorImpl
method: private void sendQuery( ..... )
here i've seen that at line 700, the OID is sent to the server
for (int i = 1; i <= params.getParameterCount(); ++i)
After declaring parameters type to server, there is a BIND
of the effective parameters, done by [line 777]
private void sendBind(SimpleQuery query, SimpleParameterList
params, Portal portal) throws IOException {
where the parameter is sended with this command:
params.writeV3Value(i, pgStream); // Parameter value
So, it's the Server to manage the parameters type
eventually adding <"> to string, knowing the OID.
However i could not understand WHY, it does it outside
eclipse and not inside it: this means the jdbc driver
have some problems inside eclipse, and doez not
throw execeptions about this problem, so the server
has some problem managing the prepared statement,
but i dont know what is it, and how to debug it
Any hint?
Diego Zanga