Re: Doc: clarify possibility of ephemeral discrepancies between state and wait_event in pg_stat_activity - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Alex Friedman
Subject Re: Doc: clarify possibility of ephemeral discrepancies between state and wait_event in pg_stat_activity
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In response to Re: Doc: clarify possibility of ephemeral discrepancies between state and wait_event in pg_stat_activity  (Sami Imseih <>)
Responses Re: Doc: clarify possibility of ephemeral discrepancies between state and wait_event in pg_stat_activity
List pgsql-hackers
> discrepancy will look like. What about we do something much more
> simplified, such
> as the below:
> """
> To keep the reporting overhead low, the system does not attempt to synchronize
> activity data for a backend. As a result, ephemeral discrepancies may
> exist between
> the view’s columns.
> """

Yes, I believe it makes sense to make it more generic. Attached v3 with a slight 

+    in the system. To keep the reporting overhead low, the system does not 
attempt to
+    synchronize different aspects of activity data for a backend. As a result, 
+    discrepancies may exist between the view's columns.

Best regards,

Alex Friedman

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