ozsevim@likya.iyte.edu.tr wrote in message news:<200211072044.WAA08918@likya.iyte.edu.tr>...
> Hello,
> I know Ansi C language and SQL. I want to embed a sql statement into a c
> source code. Would you please recommend me some web sites or tutorials
> regarding this subject.
> Thank you for your concern,
> Emrah
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
You need to read about the possible interfaces for postgreSQL.
I've used the libpq++ for my C++ classes with great success.
So, #include <libpq++.h> and embed the sql with sprintf(x,sql)
then send x to the server with if(!ExecCommandOk(x)) printf("Error...");
Good luck,