Hi Robert
> I'm hoping to find a easy way to find the disk space used by each
> database on a given postgres v7.2 server - I've been looking through
> the docs and have seen some references to oid2name, but that doesn't
> really help my situation.
This script gives you the used size per object. Unfortunately only for
the actual db. If it also works on 7.2: I do not know (old stuff)
-- Amount of space per object used after vacuum
\echo 'Caution: This skript does only print usefull information'
\echo ' if you run VACUUM before!'
SELECT c1.relname AS "tablename", c2.relname AS "indexname",
c2.relpages * 8 AS "size_kb", c2.relfilenode AS "filename"
FROM pg_class c1, pg_class c2, pg_index i
WHERE c1.oid = i.indrelid
AND i.indexrelid = c2.oid
SELECT relname, NULL, relpages * 8, relfilenode
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'r'
ORDER BY tablename, indexname DESC, size_kb;
Does it help?
Regards Oli
Oli Sennhauser
Database-Engineer (Oracle & PostgreSQL)
Rebenweg 6
CH - 8610 Uster / Switzerland
Phone (+41) 1 940 24 82 or Mobile (+41) 79 450 49 14
e-Mail oli.sennhauser@bluewin.ch
Website http://mypage.bluewin.ch/shinguz/PostgreSQL/
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