This is a well-worn thread title - apologies, but these results seemed
interesting, and hopefully useful in the quest to get better performance
on Solaris:
I was curious to see if the rather uninspiring pgbench performance
obtained from a Sun 280R (see General: ATA Disks and RAID controllers
for database servers) could be improved if more time was spent
With the help of a fellow workmate who is a bit of a Solaris guy, we
decided to have a go.
The major performance killer appeared to be mounting the filesystem with
the logging option. The next most significant seemed to be the choice of
sync_method for Pg - the default (open_datasync), which we initially
thought should be the best - appears noticeably slower than fdatasync.
We also tried changing some of the tuneable filesystem options using
tunefs - without any measurable effect.
Are Pg/Solaris folks running with logging on and sync_method default out
there ? - or have most of you been through this already ?
Pgbench Results (no. clients and transactions/s ) :
Setup 1: filesystem mounted with logging
No. tps
1 17
2 17
4 22
8 22
16 28
32 32
64 37
Setup 2: filesystem mounted without logging
No. tps
1 48
2 55
4 57
8 62
16 65
32 82
64 95
Setup 3 : filesystem mounted without logging, Pg sync_method = fdatasync
No. tps
1 89
2 94
4 95
8 93
16 99
32 115
64 122
Note : The Pgbench runs were conducted using -s 10 and -t 1000 -c 1->64,
2 - 3 runs of each setup were performed (averaged figures shown).