Dnia 2003-12-04 19:18, Użytkownik Jeff Kowalczyk napisał:
> When this trigger runs on INSERT operations, the OLD variable is not
> yet set, and the trigger function returns an error.
> Can anyone suggest a more sensible way to check for OLD before including
> it in my expression, or another shortcut? Thanks.
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION orders_initordercharges () RETURNS "trigger"
> AS '
> -- Check that no ordercharges exist for this orderid
> IF (SELECT COUNT(orderchargeid) FROM ordercharges WHERE orderid=NEW.orderid OR orderid=OLD.orderid)=0 THEN
> -- Insert standard initial set of ordercharges
> INSERT INTO ordercharges (orderid, orderchargecode) VALUES (NEW.orderid,\'SALE\');
> INSERT INTO ordercharges (orderid, orderchargecode) VALUES (NEW.orderid,\'S&H\');
> END;
> '
> LANGUAGE plpgsql;
You can always check whether your trigger has been fired as insert or
update trigger.
DECLARE old_orderid integer;
BEGIN if TG_OP=''UPDATE'' then old_orderid=OLD.orderid; else old_orderid=-1; end if;
Tomasz Myrta