ow wrote:
>--- Andreas Pflug <pgadmin@pse-consulting.de> wrote:
>>Yes, I mentioned it just a few days when discussing dependency in pg_dump.
>>This is somewhat complementary to WAL and PITR. I'm seeking for a fast
>>way to dump and restore a complete database, like physical file copy,
>>without shutting down the backend. I was thinking of a BACKUP command
>>that streams out the files including any indexes and non-vacuumed
>>tuples. A database recreated from that wouldn't be as clean as a
>>pg_dump/pg_restored database, but it would be up much faster, and there
>>wouldn't be any dependency problem.
>>This doesn't really replace pg_dump/pg_restore, because it probably
>>wouldn't be able to upgrade a cluster. Still, it would be helpful for
>>disaster recovery.
>I think creating a FK without verification check is still needed, especially in
>case if:
>1) original db is corrupted
>2) during cluster upgrade
Agreed. This might be useful for replication purposes too; in MSSQL, you
can write "CREATE TRIGGER ... NOT FOR REPLICATION". I'd like to see a
transaction safe way (ENABLE/DISABLE TRIGGER command) for this.
>3) there's a need to BACKUP/RESTORE a *schema* instead of db.
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