have a look I also don't quite understand why it is happening.
The dates returned are actually not the creation date of the view but just a different date.
# drop view view_joblog;
# CREATE VIEW view_joblog AS
# SELECT log_id AS lid,job_id AS jid, job_type AS jtype, to_char(job_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') AS
job_start,to_char(job_end,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS') AS job_end,job_status AS jstat,
# log_file AS log_file, pid FROM job_log ORDER BY log_id;
# select * from view_joblog where lid=530;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------------
lid | 530
jid | 198
jtype | 21
job_start | 2003-10-07 10:10:28
job_end | 2003-10-07 10:10:05
jstat | 4
log_file | clientfiles-21-20031007-103928.xml
pid | 30724
# select log_id,job_id,job_type,job_start,job_end,job_status,log_file,pid FROM job_log where log_id=530;
-[ RECORD 1 ]----------------------------------
log_id | 530
job_id | 198
job_type | 21
job_start | 2003-10-07 10:39:28.172914
job_end | 2003-10-07 10:42:05.140341
job_status | 4
log_file | clientfiles-21-20031007-103928.xml
pid | 30724
Richard Huxton wrote:
>On Thursday 23 October 2003 09:07, Alex wrote:
>>I use a data formatting in views (to_char(last_update, 'YYYY-MM-DD
>>HH:MM:SS') as last_update and noticed that the last update returned is
>>the creation date of the view or not the actual value of the
>>last_update.(last _update is a timestamp).
>It doesn't sound likely - could you provide the view definition and a couple
>of lines of output?