Here is the simple thing about MySQL licensing. It is GPL. If you
modify the mySQL source or you link a proprietary app to mySQL without
a commercial license. You must distrubute your changes and or
application as GPL or GPL compatibile.
As far as speed is concerned: PostgreSQL is faster under
transactional/heavy loaded systems.
MySQL is very fast for "Hey, I need to get a web page up that has some
basic dynamic data"
MySQL is not ACID compliant, do not be fooled. The easiest argument is
If you have a 32 bit integer column, and you try to insert a 64 bit
number... logical thought would suggest that the database should
throw an exception (which is a requirement of the 'C' in ACID) or fail
in some way. MySQL will not fail, instead it will insert a truncated
value of the 64 bit number and thus screw all of your data in the future.
There are others which I am sure MANY people can point out.
Joshua Drake
John Wells wrote:
>Yes, I know you've seen the above subject before, so please be gentle with
>the flamethrowers.
>I'm preparing to enter a discussion with management at my company
>regarding going forward as either a MySql shop or a Postgresql shop.
>It's my opinion that we should be using PG, because of the full ACID
>support, and the license involved. A consultant my company hired before
>bringing me in is pushing hard for MySql, citing speed and community
>support, as well as ACID support.
>My biggest concern with MySQL is licensing. We need to keep costs low,
>and last I remember the parent company was being pretty strict on "fair
>use" under the GPL. If I recall, they even said a company would have to
>license the commercial version if it were simply used operationally within
>the company.
>Also, I was under the impression that Postgresql had pretty much caught up
>with MySql in the speed category...is this not the case?
>Finally, ACID support in mysql always seemed kind of a hack....perhaps
>this has changed?
>Thanks for any input (armament ;) ) you can provide.
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