I would really appreciate your help in learning JDBC through PostgreSQL.
Under j2sdk1.4.2_01, setting CLASSPATH causes exception in class not
found error. This exception is thrown even the simplest HelllWorld
class. Did they(SUN) change the behavior of CLASSPATH?
I'm running RedHat 9 with Linux 2.4.20-19.9 kernel.
Here is the details.
/home/tosa/pgsqlDev/java>javac client2.java
client2.java:7: package org.postgresql.util does not exist
import org.postgresql.util.*;
client2.java:67: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class PSQLException
location: class client2
catch(PSQLException e)
2 errors
......OK. I set CLASSPATH
/home/tosa/pgsqlDev/java>setenv CLASSPATH /usr/share/pgsql/postgresql.jar
......Now compiles
/home/tosa/pgsqlDev/java>javac client2.java
......However, I cannot run
/home/tosa/pgsqlDev/java>java client2
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: client2
......So, I unsetenv CLASSPATH
/home/tosa/pgsqlDev/java>unsetenv CLASSPATH
/home/tosa/pgsqlDev/java>java client2
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: