sibusiso xolo wrote:
>I am having a little difficulty installing PostgreSQL7.3.4 with java.
>The box is is running SuSE9.2 linux.
>I have environmental variables set in bash-profile as:
>export JAVACMD=other_place
>export ANT_HOME=someplace_else
>export PATH=$PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin
>I decempressed the postgresql-7.3.4 tarball and execute the script:
>./configure --with-java
>but I het the error ..."ant does not work"
>I am using the laest version of ant from
>Help would be appreciated.
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have you installed the ant binaries
I have no problems with that. I added the path always in /etc/profile
and then . /etc/profile for the reload.
It runs fine with me.
Regards Ewald