I had already committed $50/mo.
Robert Creager wrote:
>Once upon a time (Tue, 16 Sep 2003 21:26:05 -0700)
>Dennis Gearon <gearond@fireserve.net> uttered something amazingly similar to:
>>Robert Creager wrote:
>>>Once upon a time (Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:59:37 -0700)
>>>"Joshua D. Drake" <jd@commandprompt.com> uttered something amazingly similar
>>>>If someone is willing to pony up 2000.00 per month for a period of at
>>>Well, if you're willing to set up some sort of escrow, I'll put in $100. I
>>Is that $100 times once, or $100 X 6mos anticiapated develop time.
>That's $100 once. And last I looked, there are well over 1800 subscribers on
>this list alone. On the astronomically small chance everyone one of them did
>what I'm doing, it would cover more than 6 months of development time ;-) This
>strikes me as like supporting public radio. The individuals do some, and the
>corporations do a bunch.
>I'm just putting my money toward a great product, rather than complaining that
>it's not done. Just like Joshua is doing. You cannot hire a competent
>programmer for $24k a year, so he is putting up some money on this also.
>There have been a couple of other bytes from small businesses, so who knows!
>You game?