Bruce Momjian wrote:
>Tom Lane wrote:
>>Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
>>>>Bruce Momjian <> writes:
>>>>>Can we allow the IPv6 entries to be in pg_hba.conf but ignore them on
>>>>>non-IPv6 machines, or allow the connection to fail?
>>>What is the problem? Is it that a non-IPv6 enabled postmaster is unable
>>>to identify or parse valid IPv6 address specifications? In that case,
>>>we need to provide some substitute routines.
>>To what purpose? I think I prefer Andrew Dunstan's approach of allowing
>>IPv4 syntax in pg_hba.conf to match appropriate IPv6 connections.
>I am confused. Andrew Dunstan's approach added a new 'loopback' line
>to pg_hba.conf.
>Andreas Pflug had the patch that treated IPv4 as IPv6.
There's a lot of confusion around :-) Let me see if I can disentangle
some of it.
People seem to want two things:
1. if ip4 is being tunneled over ip6 as it is in most Linux
distributions, match a corresponding 'host*' line with an ip4 address.
2. enable local connections of whatever flavor by default.
Andreas has addressed item 1. I suggested an approach to item 2. The
only alternative I can see is to allow ip4-only postmasters to recognize
and silently drop ip6 'host*' lines. I don't like the idea of silently
ignoring config lines - it seems dangerous to me. Suggestions of having
initdb or something similar conditionally set the default pg_hba.conf
also strike me as impractical and fragile.
What Andreas did and what I did are not mutually exclusive - they could
live happily together.
(now back to wrestling with embedded functions)