I received this from a friend:
Lance Rushing wrote:
> Something bad happened in Postgres. I lost the ability to connect to the
> 'pegasus2' database.
> i was doing some updates when I got an error, saying something about the
> backend dying...
> When I restarted the database I could no longer connect to my database. I
> can connect to the other databases, just not 'pegasus2'.
This is a 7.3.3 installation on Red Hat (9 I think).
I don't have any more detail yet on exactly what he was doing at this
point, but I grabbed a copy of $PGDATA and looked at it on my own
machine (since he doesn't have debug and assert support). Logging into
any other database works fine, but the offending database produces this
#85355 0x0817c0b5 in RelationBuildDesc (buildinfo= {infotype = 2, i = {info_id = 135924865, info_name =
"pg_trigger"}}, oldrelation=0x0) at relcache.c:890
#85356 0x0817cf54 in RelationSysNameGetRelation (relationName=0x81a0c81
"pg_trigger") at relcache.c:1591
#85357 0x0807c066 in relation_openr (sysRelationName=0x81a0c81
"pg_trigger", lockmode=1) at heapam.c:550
#85358 0x0807c20a in heap_openr (sysRelationName=0x81a0c81 "pg_trigger",
lockmode=1) at heapam.c:660
#85359 0x080d5872 in RelationBuildTriggers (relation=0x41ad740c) at
#85360 0x0817c0b5 in RelationBuildDesc (buildinfo= {infotype = 2, i = {info_id = 135924865, info_name =
"pg_trigger"}}, oldrelation=0x0) at relcache.c:890
#85361 0x0817cf54 in RelationSysNameGetRelation (relationName=0x81a0c81
"pg_trigger") at relcache.c:1591
#85362 0x0807c066 in relation_openr (sysRelationName=0x81a0c81
"pg_trigger", lockmode=1) at heapam.c:550
#85363 0x0807c20a in heap_openr (sysRelationName=0x81a0c81 "pg_trigger",
lockmode=1) at heapam.c:660
#85364 0x080d5872 in RelationBuildTriggers (relation=0x41ad6b54) at
#85365 0x0817c0b5 in RelationBuildDesc (buildinfo= {infotype = 2, i = {info_id = 135924865, info_name =
"pg_trigger"}}, oldrelation=0x0) at relcache.c:890
i.e. it recurses itself to a horrible death.
Any ideas? Is this an indication that pg_trigger is corrupted?