When attempting to create a view with the comment box populated,
pgAdmin3 generated the following SQL
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW global.v_db_classes AS
select type_id AS db_class_id, title AS db_class
from global.types
where cat = 'dbClasses';
COMMENT ON TABLE global.v_db_classes IS 'This pseudo entity is based on
the types table and contains a list of entities in the database';
The problem is that in the COMMENT ON statement, said view is now
referred to as a TABLE instead of a VIEW. This produced the appropriate
error. The work-around was to simply copy/paste it into an SQL execution
window and modify the COMMENT ON statement.
Terence Kearns ~ ph: +61 2 6201 5516
IT Database/Applications Developer
Enterprise Information Systems
Client Services Division
University of Canberra