Dnia 2003-06-23 10:54, Użytkownik Richard Huxton napisał:
> Hmm - I think your problem is going to come before that. Any time you do an
> INSERT, PostgreSQL is going to need to know the types of all the columns
> involved.
> For this sort of thing, I try to keep all the related bits (initial function,
> views, triggers) in the same text-file to encourage me to remember to update
> them all together.
I also do this - it isn't really difficult with well written scripts. I was
just wondering if I don't waste my time tracking all the changes.
> It sounds like this table1 is only being used during transfer. Is there any
> reason why you aren't just inserting the required rows into table2.
My queries are ordinary transportation problems with 0 up to 2 changes. I
found it's better (for performance reason) to find all possible relations as
single rows and split them at the end into simple connections. Maybe I should
dig into this problem again and rewrite my queries...
Tomasz Myrta