Joseph Shraibman wrote:
> Justin Clift wrote:
>> The _very first_ thing to do with any PostgreSQL installation is bump
>> up the memory settings (at least "sort_mem" and "shared_buffers") in
>> the postgresql.conf and restart it.
>> Tell him to test it with decent settings (try about 4000 for each as
>> an initial start),
> Perhaps that should be in the message that 'make install' echoes and in
> comments in the conf file itself?
Probably it's a good idea to have some mention of this, as even though we should alter the source to higher defaults
forour next release, there are potentially
people that would read a message like this and go "wow, didn't know that", then tune their existing installations as
With Solaris, 4000 for those memory settings is a good place to start and it's generally fine to just leave them at
thatunless there's a definite reason for
performance tuning. No idea with other OS's.
Anyone feel like submitting a patch to alter the default settings to a higher mark? Don't think it's been done yet,
andit'd be a shame to forget it before
feature freeze time of the next release.
Regards and best wishes,
Justin Clift
"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi