I made a rule :
CREATERULE ins_2003_may
WHEREEXISTS ( SELECT "Acct-Status-Type", "User-Name", "Realm", "Called-Station-Id", "Calling-Station-Id",
"Service-Type", "Framed-Protocol", "Client-IP-Address", "NAS-IP-Address", "NAS-Port-Type", "NAS-Port-Id",
"Acct-Session-Id"FROM detail_2003may WHERE "Acct-Status-Type" = NEW."Acct-Status-Type" AND "User-Name" =
NEW."User-Name"AND "Realm" = NEW."Realm" AND "Called-Station-Id" = NEW."Called-Station-Id" AND "Calling-Station-Id"
=NEW."Calling-Station-Id" AND "Service-Type" = NEW."Service-Type" AND "Framed-Protocol" = NEW."Framed-Protocol" AND
"Client-IP-Address"= NEW."Client-IP-Address" AND "NAS-IP-Address" = NEW."NAS-IP-Address" AND "NAS-Port-Type" =
NEW."NAS-Port-Type"AND "NAS-Port-Id" = NEW."NAS-Port-Id" AND "Acct-Session-Id" = NEW."Acct-Session-Id" )
DOINSTEAD INSERT INTO dups_2003may VALUES ( NEW."Time-Stamp", NEW."Acct-Status-Type", NEW."User-Name",
NEW."User-Realm", NEW."Realm", NEW."Acct-Session-Time", NEW."Acct-Input-Octets", NEW."Acct-Output-Octets",
NEW."Called-Station-Id", NEW."Calling-Station-Id", NEW."Acct-Terminate-Cause", NEW."Framed-IP-Address",
NEW."Service-Type", NEW."Framed-Protocol", NEW."Client-IP-Address", NEW."NAS-IP-Address", NEW."NAS-Port-Type",
NEW."NAS-Port-Id", NEW."Timestamp", NEW."Acct-Session-Id", NEW."Acct-Link-Count", NEW."Acct-Multi-Session-Id",
NEW."Acct-Delay-Time" )
What I wanted was that when data is inserted into detail_2003may then :
If a similar record exists then only insert the data into dups_2003may,
otherwise only insert the "uniq" data into detail_2003may.
What is happening is that all data is being put into dups_2003may, and
only records with "uniq" data is being put into detail_2003may.
Is there a way to do what I wanted?