\d picture_path in pgsql what returns ?
Rado Petrik wrote:
>Hi ,
>I have table picture_path.
>1. Step one. Write query to psql.
>power2=# select * from picture_path ;
> id_path | p_path | count
>(0 rows)
>2. Step two. Write query.
>power2=# select count from picture_path;
>ERROR: Attribute 'count' not found
>Why ?
>This is dump table picture_path.
>CREATE TABLE "picture_path" (
> "id_path" int4 DEFAULT nextval('"picture_path_id_path_seq"'::text)
> "p_path" varchar(20) NOT NULL,
> "count " int2 NOT NULL
>Rado Petrik <r.p@szm.sk>
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Popeanga Marian
DBA Oracle
CNLO Romania