Hello all!
On PostgreSQL V7.3.2 on TRU64 I have a table
and applied indices for that table.
But on a simple query the indices are not used by the optimizer.
(An sequential scan is used which takes a lot of time)
I have done
VACUUM and VACUUM analyze
but without any change to the optimizer.
Can someone give me a hint what I should do to give the
optimizer a start?
Well, let's start by the query
wetter=# explain select * from wetter where epoche > '2001-01-01'; QUERY PLAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on wetter (cost=0.00..614795.55
rows=19054156width=16) Filter: (epoche > '2001-01-01 00:00:00+00'::timestamp with time zone)
(2 rows)
The table definition is as follows: \d wetter Table "public.wetter" Column | Type |
-----------+--------------------------+----------- sensor_id | integer | not null epoche |
timestampwith time zone | not null wert | real | not null
Indexes: wetter_pkey primary key btree (sensor_id, epoche), wetter_epoche_idx btree (epoche),
wetter_sensor_id_idxbtree (sensor_id)
Triggers: RI_ConstraintTrigger_45702811, t_ins_wetter_wetterakt
The trigger information is as follows:
select * from pg_trigger where tgname='RI_ConstraintTrigger_45702811'; tgrelid | tgname |
tgfoid| tgtype | tgenabled
| tgisconstraint | tgconstrname | tgconstrrelid | tgdeferrable |
tginitdeferred | tgnargs | tgattr | tgargs
43169106| RI_ConstraintTrigger_45702811 | 1644 | 21 | t | t | <unnamed> | 43169098 | f
| f | 6 | |
(1 row)
and t_ins_wetter_wetterakt
is a PLPGSQL Funktion which copies some information into another table
when an insert or update is done.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / With best regards Reiner Dassing