Set system environment variable CYGWIN=nontsec, rebooted, and tried it
all again. BZZZZ! Wrong! Thanks for playing. Nope, still no good.
So ntsec isn't the issue.
Next question: I notice on the webpage for CygIPC, Jason, that you are
a large contributor to fixes that are in 1.13. The webpage makes it
sound, however, like CygIPC 1.11 and 1.13 are basically the same ("1.13
is a backward compatible, drop-in replacement for cygipc-1.11").
Would it make sense to try CygIPC 1.11 to see if that worked? Or is it
a known fact that PostgreSQL 7.3.2 must have CygIPC 1.13? From all I
gathered, 1.13 was required for 7.3.2, so I never tried going backwards.
Just figured I'd ask to be sure.