I'd probably write the query something like this:
SELECT ST.id, ST.order_num, ST.from_time, ST.to_time, ST.disabled, SD.description FROM shift_type ST LEFT OUTER JOIN
shift_descSD ON (ST.id = SD.shift_type_id AND SD.app_language_id = 2) ORDER BY ST.order_num
I haven't tried the query, so I'm not all sure it works though =)
Patrik Kudo
Marco Roda wrote:
> Hallo,
> and here is the SQL for Oracle:
> SELECT ST.id, ST.order_num, ST.from_time, ST.to_time, ST.disabled,
> SD.description
> FROM shift_type ST, shift_desc SD
> WHERE ST.id = SD.shift_type_id(+) AND SD.app_language_id(+) = 2
> ORDER BY ST.order_num